<< Be Disappointed Explode in anger >>
Don't be silly!
hehe, loser!! -
うるせー しばくぞ
You are fucking noisy you baldie(bald head)だまれ単細胞
Shut your mouth you idiot -
I will knock you down!オラオラチンタラしてんじゃねー
Hey don't be drowsy(slow) -
Ah you did it again!
don't be silly!!オレなんもしてねーし。
I did nothing.
- くっそー(くそ)
Means "Shit"
It has several way to say like: 「くそ!」「くっそー!」
Also, this word can be added to the beginning of phrases like: 「くそまずい(it's terribly tasteless!)」「くそねむい(I'm fucking sleepy)」Oh shit! The bus is leaving!
- だっせー(ださい)
"ださい(unfashonable/unrefined/awkward)" is real word. "だっせー" is breaking word of "ださい"
In this case, he said it to tease his game playing partner, because he is a loser.Unfashonable boyfriend.
ダサい彼You are falling down! you are awkward!
だっせー!転んでやんの!Stop wearing this scarf, it's not cool
- うるせー(うるさい)
Original meaning is noisy. This case of "うるせー" means "fussy". He said that because the other boy teased him. There are several ways to say: 「うるせー」「うっせー」
You are making noise!
うるさい!Study hard!
Back off! It's my bussiness!
うるせー!関係ねーだろ!They are fussy about the rules.
- しばく
There are several meaning depending on the region, but in this case it means, "Use violence(punch or kick)on you"
I'm gonna punch(kick) you.
- ハゲ
That means baldness.
Sometimes this word is used during a quarrel.Shut up baldhead!
- だまれ
Means "be quiet" or "Shut your mouth."
- 単細胞(たんさいぼう)
※I think this is not slang.
"単細胞" means "single cell" = "protozoan" = "fool, idiot"
Just this word doesn't give a bad impression to other people, but if you discribe someone with this word, it's very impolite.
- フルボッコ
Derivation from a word「ボコボコにする」which measns "knocking down". This 「ボコ」is imitative word, like, it sounds "ボコッ" when you hit someone. "フルボッコ" = "make his full body boko boko " = "totally knocking down".
- オラオラ
Some delinquent people shout like this when they try to threaten someone.
Hey back off.
オラ そこどけよ。
- チンタラ
Means "slow/tardy"
Why are you so tardy.
- ざけんな(ふざけるな)
Means "Don't be silly!"
Usually this word shouldn't be said to anybody. 「ふざける」means "romp/joking/fool", and when "な" put on the last sentence, it means "Stop this foolish things"" Sometimes, "ふ" is disappired and say 「ざけんな」
- ~し
This 「・・・し」means nothing. The synonym is : 「・・だし」. This properly means "and," this is a conjunction. In fact, we don't have to use this way but recently Japanese language is getting broken and a lot of people it say like this.
Cruel! You ate my cake!
What? I know nothing.
え?知らねーし。Oh it's raining! too bad!! えーっ雨だし!最悪!!
I did it all as you want! 言われたとおりやっただけだし!