• Francais
  • Japanese
  • English


Explode in anger

  • あの人
    He got very angry.

    What is he doing. It is too early in the morning.

  • 東京の朝ってみんなピリピリしてるからやだ。
    I don't like Tokyo in the morning because everyone has Irritability.

    Trains during Rush hour are so annoying, aren't they?

  • あっ相手逆ギレした。
    Ah, the other guy got mad at him. .


  • 急にキョドり始めた。
    He suddenly acting suspicious.

    He is a chicken, but he has underestimated him, that's why.


  • bad
  • strong

"Exploded in anger""lose one's mind by anger". It is strong more than "怒る", This word expressed "After holding it in for a long time, they just let all there anger out." there is some way to use this word:ブチギレ(it is strong more than キレる)、マジギレ(seriously exploded in anger)

And there is the word 「逆ギレ」, 「逆」means "reverse, counter" and in this case, means "against". We use this word when someone get angry to the person who was angry first. And sometimes 「逆ギレ」is = a scared way to be angry.

- My patience finally snapped.
- もう、私キレたよ。

- He got angry against me when I assailed him about his cheating things!
- 彼の浮気を責めたら逆ギレされた!

  • light
  • normal

Early in the morning. Usually we use this word to blame something(somebody) when something happend (or somebody is coming) in early morning.

- What are you trying to do this early in the morning?
- 朝っぱらから何してるの?

- Stop calling me like this so early in the morning!!
- こんな朝っぱらから電話しないで!

  • light
  • normal

It is imitative word to express someone uptight about something.
You can imagine like this : When people get nerves, the atmosphere turn to ピリピリ mood.

[memo] There are some different meaning:
1) smarts/tingle
2) hot/sting

- I feel a nervous atmosphere.
- 空気(雰囲気)がピリピリしてる。

- Recently she is uptight about the conference.
- 最近彼女は会議のことでピリピリしている。

  • bad
  • strong

Annoy/irritate This original form is 「いらいらする」.

- My computer shut down again!! t's so frustrating!
- またPCが落ちた!イラつくなー。

- The guy who is walking ahead of me is too slow, so I got irritated.
- 前の男の歩き方が遅くてイラつく。

  • normal

Means 「本当に?(Really?)」

There are several way to say in English:
1) Are you kidding?
2) for real?
3) seriously?

- オレお前の姉ちゃんと付き合ってるから。
- えー!?マジかよー!!
- I am going with your older sister.
- What!? you kidding me!?

- 宝くじで1等が当たった!
- えっ!?マジで?!?
- I won the first prize in the lottery!
- What!? For real!?

  • normal

It's came from a word 「挙動不審(きょどうふしん)」
Means, "a suspicious action(behavior)"
Like, someone looking around restlessly, someone's eyes are shaky or something like that.

- Keep your eyes on that suspcious guy.
- あのキョドってる男見張ってて。

  • light
  • normal

Means 「恥(は)ずかしがりや/臆病者(おくびょうもの)」= "Timid, chicken-hearted".
We use this word when someone is daunted by something, or someone is scared for something. If it's ビビる, sometimes it means "ビックリする(be surprise)"

- Suddenly I got a big job, so I was daunted by the size of this.
- いきなり大きい仕事を任せられてビビってしまった。

- Stop it, she is scared of you.
- やめなよ、彼女ビビってるよ。

  • bad
  • strong

In this case, means "Look down on someone(something), make a fool of someone(something), underestimate." The other meaning is "lick, suck, taste, experience" and usually we use this word those kind of way.

- Don't make a fool of me!
- なめんな!

- I was underestimate it, so I pay dearly for it.
- なめてたらバチがあたった。